Friday 23 November 2012


I have started this blog on the day of historic significance, when people were engrossed in a whimsical cloud of smoke created by the news blast from the news channels concerning the sudden implementation of the decision delivered by the Honorable Supreme court of India. The capital punishment to Ajmal Kasab(no introduction required).

People swarmed the streets distributing sweets and lighting firecrackers in celebration. Concurrently, there was a debate raised whether or not to celebrate the death of a person. There were questions about human rights, civilizations and culture of India. Well, there have always been celebrations of victory of good over evil since ages. Still today we celebrate Dussehra on account of Lord Rama’s victory over evil Ravana. Diwali for killing Narakasura by Lord Krishna and so on. But in this case, celebration has no meaning when there is so much delay (4 years) in the execution of Kasab, which was supposed to be done immediately when he was captured with ample evidence. This questions the merits of legal proceedings in India. Like somebody said, “Celebrating and congratulating the government for hanging Kasab is like congratulating China for eating noodles”. We should rather be inglorious that it took us 4 long years. At least now, let those lost lives get some peace.